White Papers

In a sport that seems so exacting and simple in nature, one would think that preparation is as precise a singularity as the athlete's competed event. But opportunity reveals itself via understanding that each youth athlete is unique and wildly dynamic from an intra- and inter-season perspective. To this end, training points of view are shared.

The first paper entitled Sprinters, Distance Runners and Pullers introduced the concept of training those long legged athletes to have a conquering stride while keeping injury at bay via efficient drilling and practice. By design, it was basic and quick in its description. The follow up paper, entitled the Puller's BluePrint, goes into significantly greater depth of the full 40+ week, resistance based program to keep the athletes getting faster from the fall to the championship season in the Spring. It also suggests complementary drills and exercises to further the benefit of the program while also highlighting/warning not to cannibilize the strength gained.

Please read, ask questions, give us suggestions so that we can all learn, benefit and smartly get FASTER!!!